Ocular USA 3-Mirror Gonioscopy
The Ocular USA 4-Mirror Gonioscope Lens is a hand-held lens with four 64° mirrors that allows the user to view the anterior chamber angle of the eye. It can be... -
Ocular USA 4-Mirror Gonioscopy
The Ocular USA 4-Mirror Gonioscope Lens is a hand-held lens with four 64° mirrors that allows the user to view the anterior chamber angle of the eye. It can be... -
PlusOptix Portable Autorefractometer:A12R
Salient Feature: Light weight (approx 700gm ) user friendly and maintenance free Most ideal for mass screening of refractive error. The only portable device for early detection of refractive error... -
PlusOptix Portable Autorefractometer:A12R
Light weight (approx 700gm ) user friendly and maintenance free Most ideal for mass screening of refractive error. The only portable device for early detection of refractive error & anisometropia... -
The Instaref R20, with its sleek handheld form factor and weight of just 450gm, matches the performance of other popular autorefractors through its state-of-the-art Shack Hartmann technology. The Instaref R20's... -
Rexam AR, Kerato & Topographer, REF TOPO RET-700
Auto Ref-Topographer RET-700 combines all the necessary features for anterior eye examination in just one device. RET-700 is not only a Topographer but Auto Refract Keratometer, Wavefront, Dry eye analysis... -
Rexxam Specular Microscope, SPM-700
REXXAM/Japan, SPECULAR MICROSCOPE: SPM-700 a trusted brand formerly known as Shinnippon /Japan. A user-friendly Clinical Specular microscope which automatically captures and does the analysis within 3 seconds of alignment. Large... -
REXXAM: ( Formerly Known As Shinnippon / Japan), Autorefractometer: R-800 & Autoref- Keratometer: K-900
REXXAM: ( formerly known as SHINNIPPON / Japan), AUTOREFRACTOMETER: R-800 & AUTOREF- KERATOMETER: K-900 is an user friendly trusted Japanese Autorefractometer with tiltable color monitor, accurate & reliable measurement, scootopic... -
REXXAM/Shin-Nippon NCT-200 Non-Contact-Tonometer
REXXAM/Japan , ( Formerly known as SHINNIPPON) Air puff controlled Non Contact Tonometer: NCT-200 , is a world renowned established brand since 50 yrs or more. Some of the salient... -
Shin-Nippon AL, Digital Lensmeter-1000
Shinnippon / Japan, time tested reliable digital auto Lensmeter having well established brand value, since 6 decades. Auto Lensmeter Model:DL-900 with color monitor, and built in printer @1,35,000/- + GST... -
Shin-nippon Digital Lensmeter- DL-900
Shinnippon / Japan, time tested reliable digital auto Lensmeter having well established brand value, since 6 decades. Auto Lensmeter Model:DL-900 with color monitor, and built in printer @1,35,000/- + GST... -
Slit Lamp – SLM-2ER
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Slit Lamp – SLM-2ER-E
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Slit Lamp – SLM-2ER-L
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Slit Lamp – SLM-3ER
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Slit Lamp – SLM-3ER-E
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Slit Lamp With Metal Base Plate – MSL-2000HD
MEDIVISION HAGGSTREIT TYPE Indigenous Deluxe SLIT LAMP WITH METAL BASE PLATE (Model: MSL-2000HD) [popup_anything id="1597"] -
Sonoptek Ophthalmic Ultrasound A-Scan Model: SP-1000A
Salient Features:- Feature packed, compact and portable with built-in high-speed thermal printer. Miniature size & light weight: 170(W)x150(D)x200(H)mm/approx1.3 kg 5.6” hi-resolution LCD touch-screen user-interface, with alpha-numeric data input. Multi surgeon... -
Sonoptek Ultra Sound Ophthalmic A /B Scan SP:2000
Salient features:- Truly portable, light weight & compact body. USB connection to laptop & desktop. Integrated image capture, patient management & report editing. Extra high resolution image with user-friendly image... -
Sunkingdom Full Field Auto-Projection Perimeter SK:850A(Standard)
Excellent Test Strategy Kinetic Test: 1. Kinetic test mode: Standard program, Static points, Scotoma map, Blind spot map, Custom Programs 2. Stimulus speed: 1 ̴ 9°/S adjustable Static Test: 1.... -
Suoer AB-Scan, Model SW-2000, With Compatible Ind. Branded Laptop & Printer With B-Scan Probe Only
B scan Frequency: 10MHz/20MHz (optional) ,Magnetic driven, noiseless Scanning Mode: Sector Scanning Magnify:Multi continuous magnification,Real-Time magnification Resolution: Lateral =0.3mm;Vertical=0.2mm Geometry position precision: Lateral =10%;Vertical=5% Depth:60mm Enhance the part of vitreous... -
SUOER Rebound Tonometer SW-500 (Portable, wireless, DIGITAL)
SUOER Portable, wireless DIGITAL REBOUND tonometer : SW-500, is a time tested rebound tonometer, having many advanced features over its nearest competitor I-CARE, of Finland. It can measure IOP over... -
SUOER SW-100 – Portable Keratometer
SUOER-SW-100, DIGITAL HANDHELD PORTABLE AUTO KERATOMETER. An accurate and user friendly Keratometer to measure Corneal curvature both in mm as well as in Diopter unit. It can be supplied with... -
Visionix ARK With Auto FOG – VX 90
VISIONIX Autoref Keratometer: VX-90, a French technology manufactured by LUNEAU TECHNOLOGY, FRANCE. An innovative feature packed AUTOREFKERATOMETER comes with , motorised chin rest, Auto-tracking of Eye, 7.5" tiltable large color... -
Volk Fundus Camera
Volk fundus cameras are portable imaging devices that capture high-quality images of the retina. They are used in a variety of settings, including clinics, mobile clinics, and outreach programs. Features... -
VolkUSA 20D
DOUBLE SPHERIC ,VOLK, USA sent in portable wooden case Magnification 2.97X, Working distance 47 mm View the retina including periphery using a head-mounted BIO Higher magnification than 28D. Ideal for...
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