- Auto Lensmeter
- Auto Refractometer
- A-Scan, A/B-Scan & Keratometer
- Portable-autorefractometer
- Direct Ophthalmoscope & Streak Retinoscope
- Fundus Camera
- Indirect Ophthalmoscope
Marsmedica Autoclave &
De-Humidifier - Operating Microscope
- Visual Chart
- Refraction Unit
- Slit Lamp & Applanation Tonometer
- Sunkingdom Perimeter
- Tonometer
- Trail Set
Matrix A-scan Biometer Machine:SP-1000A
Starting From Rs. 80,000
IOL Formulas: SRK-II, SRK-T, Binkhorst-II, Holladay, Hoffer-Q, Haigis
Gain: Adjustable from 30dB to 105 dB
Calculation: Multiple IOL power calculation using Two different : A-Constant, at a time
Standard: Foot switch, 1 roll Printing paper, AC power cord,
Accessory: U/S Probe, Prager cell for immersion biometry & interface cable with software for computer connetivity
Matrix Pachymeter:SP-1000P
Starting From Rs. 80,000
Accuracy: ±05 micron
Resolution: ± 01 micron (digital accuracy)
Measurement range: 125-1500 micron
Measurement mode: SINGLE and MAP mode with IOP corrected CCT
Output: on screen display and hard copy print out through built in high speed thermal printer
Matrix Ultra Sound Ophthalmic A/B Scan :SP-2000
Starting From Rs. 80,000
Scanning Mode: 53° Sector scanning
Clinical Resolution: 0.1mm
Cine Loop: capture 100 frames of movie loop (7sec)
Power supply/ Consumption: 220VAC (50-60Hz)/ Approx 60VA
Medivision B& L Type Manual Keratometer (with LED Illumination): MSK-2000
Starting From Rs. 80,000
Type: Sutcliff type( Bausch & Lomb Model)
Objective: 1.28x
Corneal Radius of curvature: 6.5mm-9.5mm(in 0.05mm steps)
Corneal Refractive Power: 36D -52D (in 0.25steps)
Sonoptek Ophthalmic Ultrasound A-Scan Model: SP-1000A
Starting From Rs. 80,000
IOL Formulas: SRK-II, SRK-T, Binkhorst-II, Holladay, Hoffer-Q, Haigis
Gain: Adjustable from 30dB to 105 dB
Calculation: Multiple IOL power calculation using Two different : A-Constant, at a time
Standard accessory: Foot switch, 1 roll Printing paper, AC power cord, U/S Probe, Prager cell for immersion biometry & interface cable with software for computer connetivity
Sonoptek Ultra Sound Ophthalmic A /B Scan SP:2000
Starting From Rs. 80,000
Scanning Mode: 53° Sector scanning
Clinical Resolution: 0.1mm
Precision: lateral ≤ 10%, vertical ≤ 5%
Gain: 20dB to 105dB with variable gain control